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KING Mensah, becomes the culture and leisure advisor of the Agoè-Nyivé 1 municipality.

Music Legend KING Mensah, one of the most popular musicians in Togolese music and recognized worldwide, was appointed on Friday, January 5, 2024, Advisor to the Mayor Mr. ADANBOUNOU Akoété Kovi. It is a nomination that delights the entire population of the Agoè-Nyivé1 municipality, and in particular young music lovers and enthusiasts of fun and socio-cultural activities.

As such, and in accordance with an appointment decision made public, the Togolese music star is called upon to support the cultural and leisure initiatives of the municipality, by providing his expertise. Also, he will be responsible for advising and providing the necessary guidance for better promotion of the municipality’s talents. But also, he will support municipal authorities in the promotion of socio-cultural and sporting projects, aimed at giving more visibility to the entire Agoè-Nyivé1 municipality and promoting the attractiveness of the said territory. 

Known under the nickname “The Golden Voice of Togo”, King Mensah remains one of the most popular and respected Togolese song artists in his community. He sings in Mina, Ewe and French, and perfectly fuses elements of traditional Ewe music (Agbadza and Akpessé), and Kabye dance-drum music, with funk, reggae and West African Afropop.

His lyrical themes are infused with religion and hopeful encouragement. Several times ambassador for peace, he advocates living together, tolerance and community development through the promotion of youth entrepreneurship.

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